Unit 1: Modern Political Theory/ Constitutional Foundations

Unit Overview:

This unit covers modern political theory beginning in the 16th century through Enlightenment thinkers in the 18th century along with the Constitutional Underpinnings of the United States. In the 6-week course, this unit takes two calendar weeks and we meet for two live classes at the end of each week. Unit 1 includes chapters 1-4 of the Barron's AP US Government and Politics exam prep text along with the corresponding Sparknotes units.

Unit Exam: 

Unit 1 Exam

Unit 1 Exam Answer Key

Barron's and Sparknotes Readings:

Sparknotes: Introduction to American Government

Barron's Chapter 1: The Theory of Modern Government

Barron's Chapter 2: Constitutional Foundations

Sparknotes: The Founding and the Constitution

Barron's Chapter 3: The Constitution

Barron's Chapter 4: Federalism

Sparknotes: Federalism

Live Classes:

Unit 1 Overview Class

Unit Essay Topics:

To view essay topics in a slightly different format, please click the following link: 

Additional Materials