AP English Language A Literature Discussion: Lord of the Flies

Post date: Sep 15, 2014 3:17:20 PM

AP English Language A Literature Discussion: Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

I will host a live class at 1 pm MT on Tuesday, 10-21, in order to go over the following topic: Lord of the Flies. The purpose of this class is to go over the novel and the topic of the reading summary assignment for this book: that is, what is the role of the Lord of the Flies in developing the theme of the novel? Golding described his novel saying "the whole book is symbolic in nature" and the role of the Lord of the Flies, first known as the "snake-thing", later "the beastie" and finally as "The Beast." is probably the most symbolic element to the novel. In this discussion we'll do a kind of biography of the Beast and you will hopefully come away with some ideas of what to put into your reading summary and how to interpret this powerful novel.  To get into the live class, please click on the following link: Trehal's Live Office/Classroom

This class applies to the following courses:

AP English Language, Unit 1

Missed the live version of this class? No problem, watch the video below: