The Roaring Twenties

Post date: Feb 22, 2012 9:26:22 PM

The Roaring Twenties

I will be hosting a class at 1:00 pm MT on Thu, 2-22 on the topic of the Jazz Age, otherwise known as the "Roaring 20's." After participating in the horrendous carnage of WWI, America spent the decade of the 1920's trying to forget the horrors of war, international politics and conflict, and instead focused on enjoying themselves and having fun. The 20's was a decade of massive change: society faced new ideas, technology changed at a dizzying pace, and people listened to Jazz music as they happily ignored the prohibition. We will go over some of the highlights of this era during this class.  Project Credit: Attendance in this live class will fulfill the requirements of your live class assignment for this unit. To get into this class please click the following link: Trehal's Office/Live Classroom. Hope to see you in class.

If you were unable to attend the live version of this class you may still get credit by watching the recording and answering the following question: How many klansmen did I say marched in Washington DC in 1927? To get credit for watching this class, submit your answer to this question and the date you watched the recording to the unit live class assignment. To watch the recording please click the following link: View the Blackboard Collaborate recording


This class applies to the following courses:

US Government B, Unit 2

US History Foundations to Present B, Unit 2

20th Century US History, Unit 3