The Declaration of Independence

Post date: Sep 22, 2011 7:50:43 PM

A Case for Independence

Have you ever wondered what it was like the moment the Continental Congress declared independence from Britain? The Continental Congress-a body of delegates from each colony-first began meeting in October of 1774 and didn't sign the Declaration until July 4th of 1776. What happened in between? What did happen is the delegates when back and forth for two years trying to decide whether to break away from Great Britain or petition for more political inclusion in the British system. We know this because John Adams, who was a mighty champion of independence, kept detailed records of this debate in his letters to his wife. Because these clips are short, they are not worth points, but if you'd like to see John Adams make the case for Independence, this 7 minute clip from the miniseries John Adams is awesome to see for any American. Original Link: A Case for Independence.

If you'd like to see the actual vote for independence and hear the Declaration of Independence as it was first read to the American public, here is another 6 minute clip from the same series that goes well with the first. I hope you enjoy these clips, they're awesome! (BTW: The reason New York abstained from the vote on independence is that on July 4th, British troops occupied the city of New York and the delegates were afraid                                       of retaliation if they voted yes.) Original Link: Declaration of Independence