Trout with Wine Sauce and Plantains

4 trout fillets 

Spice seasoning for dusting 

2 tbsp butter 

2 cloves garlic 

2/3 cups white wine 

2/3 cups fish stock or fish sauce 

2 tsp honey 

2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley 

1 yellow, ripe plantain 

Salt and pepper 

Oil for frying 

Season trout with spice seasoning and marinate for 1 hour. 

Melt butter in pan and heat gently for 1 minute. Add filets and sauté for 5 minutes until cooked through, turning carefully once. Transfer to a plate and keep warm.

Add wine, stock and honey to pan, bring to a boil and simmer to decrease slightly. Return the fillets to the pan and spoon over the sauce. Sprinkle with parsley and simmer gently for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, peel plantain and cut into rounds. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry plantain slices for a few minutes, until golden, turning once. Transfer the fish to serving plates, stir the sauce, adjust the seasoning and pour over fish. Garnish with fried plantains.