Broccoli and Pine Nut Pesto

Serves 2 

6 oz (170 g) dried penne 

8 oz (225g) broccoli, cut into florets 

2 tbsp (25ml) pine nuts 

3 tbsp (50ml) olive oil 

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 

1 chilli, finely chopped (or to taste) 

1 lemon

Sea salt and freshly ground pepper 

Fresh grated Parmesan cheese 

Cook pasta. 

Steam broccoli in a separate saucepan until soft or slightly crunchy (to your preference). Meanwhile, heat a dry skillet until hot, add pine nuts and cook, turning often for 3-4 minutes (until golden and toasted). Remove to a plate and set aside.

Heat oil in saucepan and add garlic and chilli. Gently cook 2 – 3 minutes, until softened. Remove from hear and set aside.

Drain broccoli, return it to the pan, and mash coarsely with a fork or finely chop if broccoli is crunchy.

Drain pasta and add to put with broccoli, garlic, chilli, oil and pine nut mixture.

Mix well, squeeze in lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Top with fresh parmesan.