Hot Herbed Beef Salad

Serves 6 

2 boneless beef sirloins, 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick

1 clove garlic, crushed 

1 tsp (5ml) chopped hot chilli pepper 

2 tsp (10ml) olive oil 

Salt and pepper to taste 

Mixed greens for servings 

Grilled garlic toast 

For the herb dressing:

2 tsp (10ml) basil pesto 

1 tsp (5ml) minced hot chilli pepper 

1 tbsp (15ml) chopped parsley 

½ cup (125ml) shallots 

½ cup (125ml) olive oil 

¼ cup (50ml) red wine vinegar 

Place steaks in a shallow dish. Mix together with garlic, chilli, oil, salt and pepper and pour over steaks. Cover and let stand while you pre-heat grill, prepare greens for salad. 

When grill is hot, oil the bars (or just make sure steaks have good oil coating). Sear meat for 2 minutes on each side, then turn down heat a little or move steaks to a cooler part of bbq and cook for 8 minutes each side, or just until medium-rare. Brush with marinade during cooking. Rest 5 minutes before slicing.

Slice meat thin and arrange on platter lined with salad greens. Mix dressing ingredients together and pour over the beef. Serve immediately with garlic bread.