Chaat Masala Potatoes with Yogurt

Serves 2

For the chaat masala 

potatoes 750g/1lb 10oz baby new potatoes, cut lengthways into 1cm/½in thick slices 

2 tbsp olive oil 

1 tsp chaat masala 

½ tsp ground turmeric 

125g Greek-style yoghurt 

½ small red onion, thinly sliced on a mandolin or by hand 

1 green chilli, thinly sliced 

1½ tsp coriander seeds, toasted 

1½ tsp nigella seeds, toasted 


For the coriander chutney 

30g/1oz fresh coriander 

1 green chilli, seeds removed and roughly chopped 

1 tbsp lime juice 

4 tbsp olive oil 


For the sweet tamarind dressing 

1½ tbsp shop-bought tamarind paste 

1½ tsp sugar 

¼ tsp chaat masala 

1. To make the potatoes, preheat the oven to 425. Put the potatoes and 2 teaspoons of salt in a saucepan and top with enough cold water to cover by about 4cm/1½in. Place over a medium–high heat, bring to the boil and simmer for 6 minutes, until the potatoes are almost cooked through but still retain a bite. Drain and pat dry. 

2. In a large bowl, mix oil chaat masala, tumeric, 1/3 tsp of salt and a grind of pepper. Add potatos and toss to mix thoroughly.

3. Line a large baking tray with baking paper and add the potatoes. Roast in the oven, stirring once or twice for 35 minutes, or until deeply golden. 

4. Meanwhile, make the coriander chutney. Put all the ingredients and ¼ teaspoon of salt into a food processor or blender and blitz until smooth. Set aside. It's also okay just to chop the coriander finely and mix it together. 

5. To make the tamarind dressing, whisk together all the ingredients in a small bowl with 1½ teaspoons of water until the sugar is dissolved. Set aside. 

6. Spread the yoghurt on a large round serving platter. Top with the coriander chutney, swirling it through without completely incorporating. Drizzle with half of the tamarind dressing, and top with the potatoes, onion and chilli. Drizzle over the remaining tamarind dressing, then sprinkle over the seeds and serve...or do it vice versa with putting the potatoes first and then topping them with the different additions.