Spicy Egg Noodle with Shrimp

Serves 2

160g won ton noodles

150g bok choy, sliced

10 shrimp, peeled

4 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tbsp chili past with soy bean oil

1 tbsp sugar

3/4 tbsp fish sauce

1 tbsp garlic oil

1/4 cup water

Add 2 cups of water to medium pot and bring to a boil.  Add won ton noodles and stir quickly 3-4 times.  Remove noodles from pot immediately by pouring into a strainer. Set aside.

Place noodles in a bowl and add garlic oil and mix well.

Add 2 tbsp vegetable oil to non-stick frying pan and cook shrimp over medium heat. Remove shrimp from pan and put them on a plate. Set aside.

Add 1 tbsp oil to same pan and add boy choy and quickly stir-fry over high heat for less than one minute.  Add bok choy to the plate of shrimp.

Mix chili paste with soy bean oil and one tbsp vegetable oil in a small bowl.  

Mix sugar, fish sauce and water in another bowl.

Place a non-stick frying pan over low heat.  Add chili paste mixture to frying pan and stir 2 to 3 times. Then immediately add sugar mixture and won ton noodles as well - stir fry.

Add shrimp and bok choy and mix well. Serve.