Thai Garlic Pepper Chicken

Serves 3

500 g chicken breast or thigh, cut into 1-cm thick slices (or chicken replacement)

8 cloves garlic, chopped

1 Tbsp oyster sauce

1 Tbsp soy sauce

1 tsp Golden Mountain sauce (or substitute regular soy sauce)

1 tsp fish sauce

Black soy sauce, as needed for colour, about 1 tsp

1 ½ tsp sugar

¼ tsp ground white pepper

¼ tsp ground black pepper

7-8 cilantro stems, chopped

Water, as needed

Mix oyster sauce, soy sauce, Golden Mountain Sauce, fish sauce, white pepper, sugar and black pepper. Set aside while you fry garlic.

In a small pot or wok, add the garlic, then add just enough vegetable oil to cover the garlic. Fry garlic over low heat (gentle bubbling) until the garlic turns golden brown and the bubbling has mostly stopped, about 5 minutes. 

In the wok, add chicken and stir to lubricate, fry. You can add a splash of water if the chicken sticks, or if you want more sauce in the final product. You can also add a little bit more black soy sauce if you want a darker colour.

When the chicken is cooked, stir in chopped cilantro stems then add sauce.

Serve over rice.