Garlic-Lemon Roasted Chicken Breasts

Serves: 4

Prep time: 40 minutes

3 large garlic cloves

Salt and pepper

Zest of 1 lemon

1 tsp (5 mL) dried oregano

1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) dried hot red pepper flakes, or to taste

2 tbsp (30 mL) olive oil

4 chicken breast halves with skin on and bone in (about 2 to 2 1/4 lb/900 g to 1 kg total)

Preheat oven to 500.

Using a broad knife, mince and mash garlic to a paste and mix with 1/2 tsp salt in small bowl. Stir in lemon zest, oregano, hot pepper flakes and oil plus another 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper.

Gently lift skin from top of each chicken breast and spread a quarter of the garlic mixture inside, under the skin. Pull back skin over garlic mixture.

Roast, skin side up in a foil or parchment-lined shallow baking pan. Cook for about 20-25 minutes.