Rice Noodles with Beef and Black Bean Sauce

Serves 2

400g rice noodles, thick cut

400g sliced sirloin

half a sweet red pepper, julienned

half a green pepper, julienned

one onion, sliced

3 tbsp black bean sauce

2 tbsp sugar or more to taste

2 tbsp oyster sauce

2 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tbsp garlic oil

1 tsp corn starch

3/4 cup water at room temperature

Boil water in a large pot, add rice noodles and boil for 3 minutes. Strain and set aside.

Add vegetable oil to wok and heat over high heat.  Add peppers and onion and saute for one minute - then set aside.

Add beef to same wok over medium-high heat and stir fry until beef is cooked.

Mix all the rest of ingredients in a bowl for the sauce. Then add the sauce and vegetables back to the wok. Heat until sauce starts to bubble. Add noodles to wok and mix well. Serve.