Cherry Vodka Sour

Makes 2

2.5 oz vodka (regular or cherry infused)

2 to 4 large squeezes (depending on how sweet you like it) Grenadine

Cherries (2 for muddling, 2-4 per drink)

Ice (7-8 cubes for shaking, 3-5 per glass)

Juice of one whole lemon

Sparkling lemon water or club soda

Add 7-8 ice cubes to a large cocktail shaker along with 2.5 oz of vodka, add Grenadine, juice of the lemon.

Place topper on cocktain shaker and shake vigourously for 10-20 sectonds. When cocktail shaker feels cold to your hands, it's ready.

Muddle one cherry at the bottom of a glass, add one unmuddled cherry to the glass along with 2-4 cubes of ice.

Remove top of cocktain shaker, leave strainer in tact, pour cocktail liquid over ice and add cherries to glass. Serve.