
Belgian Christadelphians

Temptation and its conquest

Temptation and its conquest

Temptation defined

Temptation is a state experienced when a person thinks thoughts, considers intentions or

desires things which are contrary to the thoughts, intents and desires of Almighty God. When

those thoughts are fulfilled through action, those intentions translated into achievements and

those desires satisfied by accomplishment, then sin is committed. Sin unrepented of by the

sinner and not forgiven by the Father leads to death. Temptation is a link in the chain of

circumstances that leads to death (Jas. 1:14,15).

Temptation and life

Temptation is also a link in the chain of circumstances that can lead to life. Temptation is

necessary. It is the means whereby faith is tested (Jas. 1:2,3,12).

Temptation is universal

It is no respecter of persons. No one escapes its influence. It is not confined by time or place,

nor restricted by age, social standing, intellect, race, gender or creed (Gen. 3:6; 2 Sam. 11:2-5; Mt. 4:1-11; Rom. 3:10,12; 1 Cor. 10:13; Heb. 4:15).

Temptation—its origin

Temptation can arise because of our situation. The people we are with, the place we are in, and

the time may all have an influence (Gen. 3; Josh. 7; Mt. 19:3; 26:14-16; Lk. 20:21-26).

Temptation may arise because of our unique emotional constitution. Not everyone exposed to

the same situation will be affected in the same way (1 Cor. 8:7-13).

Temptation can be overcome

We have been promised that we shall have the strength for all eventualities (1 Cor. 10:13).

Temptation—its conquest

Overcoming temptation involves appreciating that danger exists, recognising the cause, and

taking appropriate action. Sometimes that action involves avoidance, sometimes confrontation

(Prov. 4:14,15; Mt. 5:29,30; Mk. 8:33; Jas. 4:7,8).

We must not place ourselves in situations where temptation will arise. We must remove

ourselves from circumstances where temptation has arisen (Ps. 1:1; Lk. 4:30).

We should seek the company of those who are wise and strong, and who will influence us for

good (Prov. 9:6; 13:20; 22:24).

We must starve our wayward emotions of food (Rom. 13:14; Eph. 4:22).

We must be quick and decisive when we are confronted with temptation, and positive in our

reaction against it (Prov. 1:10-15; Mt. 16:23; Heb. 12:1,2).

We must be awake to and aware of the insidious nature of temptation (Mt. 26:41; Lk. 12:15;

1 Cor. 10:12; 1 Pet. 5:8).

Inadequate on our own to conquer every temptation, we must seek God’s help in prayer and

through His Word. We have a pattern of perfection. We need to emulate and adopt that model

(Mt. 6:13; 26:41; Heb. 12:1,2; 2 Pet. 2:9).

Sin breeds sin. Overcoming one temptation strengthens us to overcome the next (Jas. 1:2-4).

This article is produced by The Testimony Magazine, 26 Tiercel Avenue, Norwich NR7 8JN, to encourage personal and ecclesial study of Bible principles.