
I Serve

by JB

I Serve.

I preach

I love

I respect

I hope

I bless

I give

I prove all things

I pray

I live for Christ

I read God's Word

I deal honestly

I demonstrate and encourage integrity

I can spell

I can write truth

I can read truth

I can tell right from wrong

I can help you and anyone else do the same

I always tell the truth

I abhor lies

I walk with faith

I bless the walk of others

I give when I should receive

I lift weak arms

I hold failing knees

I dry tearful eyes

I shoulder a friend in sorrow

I touch a leprous hand

I hold a grieving friend

I shop for a legless brother

I wash dishes for a sister with arthritis

I give gifts to orphans who don't know what a gift is

I leap when my brother needs faith

I hope when my sister has lost hers

I love my wife

I honour my parents

I bless my friends with freedom in Christ

I baptise the called

I call the lonely

I protect the insecure

I shelter the downtrodden

I house the shelter-less

I warm the cold

I ask for mercy

I never ask for myself

I know grace

I preach redemption

I practise what I preach

I shovel snow

I pray for rain

I build embankments

I carry an umbrella

I harvest with joy

I cheerfully remove dirt from my nails

I soothe hands that work

I join hands that pray

I join the fires of the homeless

I pay electricity bills

I trust

I take nothing

I give everything

I know a nail's impress

I know a prison's depression

I love a field's blessing

I travel an eternal highway

I desire a better city

I look to an eternal salvation

I write of incomprehensible joy

I change car tyres

I lift another's burden

I bless the miracle of life

I tell of the hope life has

I want more than another's mediocrity

I will advocate another's cause

I will stand in an accuser's way

I will push on when others let go

I define faith

I measure faith

I give life when death seems inevitable

I take God to places of darkness

I preach light to those who have never known it

I hear widows whines

I hear man's woes

I understand a child's sobbing

I am attentive to a fool's reproach

I am secure in wisdom's house

I heal

I value freedom in Christ

I measure grace with thimbles

I give grace with shovels

I speak the language of the needy

I preach the words of abundance

I trust my vision

I lead the blind

I know light is precious

I understand light as a truth

I light paths

I lead ways

I teach directions

I forge rivers

I cross seas

I dig wells

I build bridges

I plan journeys

I don't like resting

I don't need holidays

I admire creation

I rise early

I read late

I study long

I eat words

I swallow pride

I slay steeples

I lay foundations

I build temples of the heart

I guard doors to a fold

I hate wolves

I defend sheep

I cut grass

I know a bear's paw

I face giants

I love mountains

I comb beaches

I am a fisher of men

I distrust hooks

I break rods

I mend fences

I feed lambs

I tend flocks

I know early mornings

I bask in dawns

I mellow in adversity

I repair shelters

I make Godly awnings

I cover myself with the works of friends

I dress in what I am blessed with

I stretch a budget

I cut a garment according to the cloth

I cover another in what I have cut

I spend hours understanding a friend's problems

I risk my life for a 'potential' friend of God

I paint pictures for the life weary

I draw symbols for the over-informed

I characterise miniatures for the proud

I weigh life in its balance

I hold life by its threads

I weave character by hope

I cover a field before I dress it

I trust friends who magnify my use

I magnify my friends

I encourage participation

I admire their perfection

I string a bow of faith

I stretch an arrow of hope

I release an aim for righteousness

I seek a target already blessed

I read long lists of virtues… that emanate from values – they are formed in hope, they are "WHAT" we are before a Lord and Master who knows all, judges all and justifies whom he will.

I know his call, I share his body with you, I share his blood because I too understand sacrifice.

I serve with you.