2024 - 03/2024 Meeting

Page Created:  01/14/24.  Last Updated:  04/08/24.


Movie:  The Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space

Internet Movie Data Base:  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112292/

Wikipedia:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Captain_Zoom_in_Outer_Space

Meeting Date:  March 9, 2024.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church.  Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Attendance: 10.

Meeting Program:  Discussion & Video.



Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission  THE STARSHIP EXPRESS  Copyright 2024 Philip J De Parto:

While the Saturday, March 9, 2024 General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Begen County will not go down as one of our best meetings, it was nonetheless a pleasant, happy gathering.

Many of our regulars had other committments for the date, resulting in a very low projected turnout.  Then several members of the household of our projected speaker became sick.  Next the weather reports forecasted very unpleasant weather.  We rescheduled author Aimee Pokwatka to our April meeting and spread the word that we would run a very relaxed meeting with chat and a movie.  (Continued on club website.)

Meeting Notes:

So we showed a video short of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse, talked about air disasters, the Space Shuttle, the Ridgewood Library Sci-Fi Con earlier in the day, John's dinner with Neil deGrasse Tyson, Roadside America, and the MADAME WEB and DUNE, PART TWO movies.

Phil had announced he would bring four movies fore members to vote on, but the group instead chose John's dark horse movie selection, THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN ZOOM IN OUTER SPACE, an obscure 1995 television movie / series pilot with Ron Pearlman, Nichelle Nichols, Daniel Riordan, Liz Vassey, and Gia Carides.

Each of the leads have additional genre credits.

Ron Pearlman has appeared in the Transformers movie series, in the TV series BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, PACIFIC RIM, the Hellboy movies, and many other works.

Nichelle Nichols is forever known as Lt Uhuru from the original STAR TREK television series.

Daniel Riordan has appeared in several incarnations of STAR TREK and has voice acted in a ton of video games.

Liz Vassey has been in DR HORRIBLE'S SING-ALONG BLOG, THE TICK, QUANTUM LEAP (original series), and other shows.


The movie itself is a riff on the GALAXY QUEST formula.  The oppressed alien rebels headed by Nichols and Carides pick up a television transmission from Earth and teleport the dauntless Captain Zoom to lead them.  The actor who plays Zoom is no hero but eventually grows into the role.