2016 - 02/2016 Meeting

Page Created: 01/07/16. Last Updated: 03/01/16.


Metropolitan Skies Website: http://www.metropolitanskies.com/

Meeting Date: February 13, 2016.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 31.

Meeting Program: Slide Show & Talk by AstroPhotographer.


The bulk of the February Meeting Recap appears in Additional Notes after the Newsletter Account.

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2016 Philip J De Parto:

It was a nearly perfect meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County on Saturday, February 13, 2016. While the bitter cold may have kept some people home, we wound up with a good mix of new and old faces.

This recap will continue at the S F A B C website.

Additional Notes:

The second Writers' Space Salon included it first critique, "Rain that Never Falls to Earth," a new story about faith and technology in a prison fortress set in Gregor's ongoing series which has been appearing in F&SF. The story is nearly 10,000 words and would have been difficult to squeeze into one of our normal critique sessions, so it really fit in well with this group. The rest of the session included discussions of accents, payment rates for short fiction, and an article about the late Andrew Offutt. Barry's Ice Nine discussion was well-attended and raucous. A couple of the newcomers participated in the chat.

Astro-Photographer David Trapani was our speaker. His talk and slide show focused on the hobby of backyard astronomy and photography. Mr Trapani works as a regional sales representative for Draprer Corporation, which manufactures projection screens. Before that he worked for Sysco.

Our guest became interested in astronomy as a child. His father would take him outdoors at night and pointed out stars to him. Dad knew his stars because he was the navigator for a B-17 during the second World Ward and used them to triangulate the plane's position when on a mission.

To Be Continued.