1996 - 12/1996 Meeting

Page Created:  08/25/10.  Last Update:  03/07/24.







Meeting Date:  December 14, 1996.

Meeting Site:  Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance:  47.

Meeting Program:  Holiday Party / Pot Luck Dinner.





Meeting Memories:



Newsletter Account:


The following account is reprinted with permission from  THE STARSHIP EXPRESS  Copyright 1997  Philip J De Parto:

The annual SFABC Holiday Party was held a the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center on Saturday, December 14, 1996,  The excellent turnout can be at least partially attributed to the temperate weather.  Unfortunately, this correspondent was recovering from a nasty virus and cannot give as complete an account of the meeting as he would like.

Philip De Parto, Charles Gehm, Elizabeth Grout, James La Barre, Greg Roman, Robert Sabella, Judy York, and Tom Zych all arrived early enough for the set up that pretty much everything was done before we were officially allowed to be in the building at 6:00 PM.  Much thanks to all.

There was a veritable cornucopia of culinary delights for the hungry.  Among the main and side dishes were apple sauce (homemade) by Beth Grout, baked chicken by Leora Baeder and also Nancy Denker, baked ziti by Patricia Nash, barbecued chicken by Paul Dellechiaie, beef stew by Sharon Archer, cheese and crackers by Susan Mc Nevin, chili by Bruce Wallace, couscous salad by Charles Gehm and Judy York, garden salad by Greg Roman, garlic salad by Charles Garofalo, macaroni and cheese by Hope and Peter Cocchi, meatballs by Michael Piazza (who was too sick to attend but sent the food in his place), Cuban chicken by Pamela Webber, pasta by Mary Anne Denny, sesame noodles by Bob Sabella, Spanish rice by James La Barre, and vegetarian curry by Adrian and Tom Pope.  There were a great many desserts and snacks, but unfortunately, I don't remember who brought what except for a huge box of bakery cookies brought by William Molendyk.

Our two usual pre-meeting activities, Anime Associates and the Final Frontier, took the night off.  We had the club TV and VCR showing a number of broadcast and taped programs throughout the evening.  The most popular was the first season episode of BABYLON 5, "Babylon Squared."

There were a great many people helping with the clean up.  Thanks to Charles Garofalo, Jacqueline Hecht, James La Barre, Thomas Purdy, Barrie Samuels, Pamela Webber, and Taras Wolansky.

My apologies toi anyone I omitted.  This was a very rough one for me.  Staying awake was a struggle at times.