1989 - 04/1989 Meeting

Page Created: 09/10/10. Last Updated: 10/28/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 10/28/10.


Bio at Sim-Gen: http://www.simegen.com/bios/sharonbio.html.

Interview at Sim-Gen: http://www.simegen.com/writers/spotlights/nonfiction/1101/sjarvis.html


Meeting Date: April 8, 1989.

Meeting Site: Village Mall, Bergen Mall, Paramus, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 22.

Meeting Program: Talk by literary agent specializing in science fiction.


The "Rainbow Room" was an unused store in the Village Mall area. The Game Master store owned by club member William Mc Cauley was allowed to use it for store events. This usually consisted of customers playing Dungeons and Dragons and similar games.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1989 Philip J De Parto:

Literary agent Sharon Jarvis was the featured speaker at the April 8, 1989 meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County. The meeting was held in the "Rainbow Room" of the Village Mall in the basement of the Bergen Mall in Paramus.

The change in venue and time (6:30 PM) accomplished three objectives: 1) it provided the S.F.A.B.C. with a meeting site as both Upper Saddle River locations had been preempted, 2) it enabled club members who desired to assist or attend the gaming convention organized by club member William Mc Cauley to do so with a minimum of inconvenience (the con was held elsewhere in the basement), and 3) it enabled the club to rebound from a money-losing February meeting as the "Rainbow Room" was rent-free.

There were 22 of us in attendance including author Robert Thurston, guest speaker Sharon Jarvis, and newcomer Matthew Grossman. Ms Jarvis gave a short talk on her experiences in the fields of sf editing and agenting. A good deal of time was also spent on personal and editorial encounters with the occult, including her recent trip to Egypt.

The meeting broke up at 9:00 PM so that clean up could be completed by the Bergen Mall's closing time. Thanks to one and all who made it a quick put-away job. Almost the entire group, including Sharon Jarvis, journeyed to the Forum Diner afterwards and continued conversations.

Nancy Denker and Sue Toker won free books. Phil De Parto arranged for Warren Davis's table to be served by the slowest waiter in the state of New Jersey. We were all greatly amused at his expense.