1995 - 05/1995 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/26/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 02/26/08.



As Tricia Sullivan:

Double Vision

Dreaming in Smoke



Someone To Watch Over Me

Sound Mind

As Valery Leith:

The Company of Glass

The Riddled Night

The Way of the Rose

The author's blog is: http://triciasullivan.livejournal.com/.


Meeting Date: May 13, 1995.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 38.

Meeting Program: Talk by Science Fiction Writer.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1995 Philip J De Parto:

The May 13, 1995 meeting of the Association was held in the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center in Upper Saddle River. For the second month in a roll, meeting turnout was over 40. Attendance at the group's various functions ranged from fair to very good.

Philip De Parto, Ernest (tardy, as usual) Lilley, Robert Pinkus, Carol Smith, John Upton, Pamela Webber, and Taras Wolansky joined guest speaker Tricia Sullivan for dinner at East Side Mario's, the new restaurant next to the Horizon Diner in Upper Saddle River. Thomas Pope joined the table for a cup of coffee. The Nash clan sat a few tables away. While waiting for dessert to arrive, Ernest unveiled a horror spoof entitled "Vampire Viruses from Venus."

Several newcomers joined a smaller than usual meeting of the Final Frontier. The group discussed time travel in the STAR TREK universe and other topics, and finished the gathering with a viewing of the episode of CYBILL guest starring Jonathan Frakes.

The club sold another 40 or so books at the book sale. Thanks go to Robert Yeager for handling the money and to everyone who helped box, unbox, and carry the books. Brenda Boyle, Elizabeth Grout, William Molendyk, Christopher Nash and Tricia Sullivan won books as door prizes.

During the announcements sections, George Thaddeus Smith informed the group that he had purchased three STAR TREK phasers. These had a limited production run and are no longer available. He offered two of them at cost to members. Steve Ferrara and Carol Smith purchased them.

Anthony Tellado told us that "The Best of Sci-Fi Talk Volume 2" is available. The audiocassette features interviews with Michael O'Hare, Jerry Doyle, Siddig El Fadil, and Peter David among others. Tapes are available at no charge to S F A B C members.

Tricia Sullivan's first novel, LETHE, is set on Earth a couple of hundred years from now. Biological, chemical, and nuclear warfare have rendered most of the planet's surface uninhabitable. True men live in protected reservations. Two varieties of artificially engineered humans, the one eyes and the altermodes (amphibious humans) work with intelligent dolphins and the disembodied consciousnesses known as the "Pickled Brains" to try to hold what's left of the world together. A message from a scientific spaceship exploring an artificially created body on the fringes of the solar system reveals a gateway to another world with long buried secrets about the Gene Wars.

The book had not yet hit the bookstores at the time of the meeting, so Ms Sullivan read the timeline and a few selected passages from the title. She talked about how she made the sale (she was dating an agent who sold the book on the basis of an outline and a couple of chapters), what she planned to do next, and what experiences and ideas went into the opus. Her story of swimming with dolphins off the coast of Maine was memorable.

Our guest was friendly and interesting, a good dinnertime conversationalist and a welcome addition to the post-meeting diner run. Many members found time to chat with her during the break and so on and all found her delightful and charming.

Thanks go to Bill Molendyk for filling in for an absent Chuck Garofalo with refreshments, to Sharon Archer for organizing the diner run, to Roy Greenberg for the tea, Pamela Webber for handling the sing ins, Robert Yeager for assistance with the book sale, and everyone who helped with the loading and unloading of the books and the set up and clean up in general.