2010 - 02/2010 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/29/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 03/10/10.


THE MAN FROM EARTH is a highly praised independent film based on a script by the late science fiction writer Jerome Bixby. Mr Bixby's best known stories are "The Holes Around Mars" and "It's a GOOD Life," the latter being filmed as an episode of THE TWILIGHT ZONE starring Bill Mumy, as well as four episodes of STAR TREK, the original series: "Mirror, Mirror," "Day of the Dove," "By Any Other Name," and "Requiem for Methuselah." He was also writer or co-writer of the movies FANTASTIC VOYAGE and IT! THE TERROR FROM BEYOND SPACE.

THE MAN FROM EARTH was directed by Richard Schenkman and stars John Billingsley, Ellen Crawford, William Katt, Annika Peterson and Richard Riehle.


Wikipedia Entry for Jerome Bixby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome_Bixby

Internet Movie Data Base Entry: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0756683/

Official Movie Site: http://www.manfromearth.com/


Meeting Date: February 13, 2010.

Meeting Site: Rareflix.com, Secaucus, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 6.

Meeting Program: Video Program.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2010 Philip J De Parto:

The February 13, 2010 meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held at the video / collectible store, Rare Flix, in Secaucus, New Jersey.

Due to a host of scheduling conflicts, we anticipated a light turnout for the event. Holding the meeting at our usual site would have cost the Association a hundred dollars in rental fees with minimum Attendance Fee revenue. Granted, the choice of a location outside Bergen County further depressed attendance, but Phil had wanted to do an event at the store for over a year.

The projected turnout was also the reason we chose to forgo a speaker in February. We did not want to invite someone down for just a handful of people. Of course, lack of a speaker also made it easier for someone who was wavering about attending to give the evening a pass.

Rare Flix is the retail arm of Media Blasters, a business which imports, distributes, and even makes cult genre films. The store proper is only a small piece of the building which includes sound stages and a warehouse. A bonus treat for those who got there early (everyone except Ingrid) was a mini tour of the back rooms which had blood-splattered operating room and an underground cavern with a sacrificial altar and a large pentagram. This was a particularly impressive set which would not have looked out of place on the television show, SUPERNATURAL, for example.

The Ice Nine discussion was very short because we were examining the store's wares. Chuck, Barry and Phil all made DVD purchases. When we finally got started, Barry did a quick Q & A session about Oscar nominated genre films.

The main event was a screening of THE MAN FROM EARTH. This is an acclaimed independent film made from a script by the late science fiction writer Jerome Bixby. This is an idea movie, about a group of college professors talking to a colleague who is either pulling their leg or is an immortal.

The writing was intelligent and the acting top notch, but some in the audience felt the piece would have worked better as a play. Afterwards, everyone went to the Tick Tock Diner except Chuck who went home.

We thank Bruno Ruchalski for keeping the store open for us past ts normal hours.