2016 - 12/2016 Meeting

Page Created: 10/06/16. Last Updated: 11/16/17.



Meeting Date: December 10, 2016.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Attendance: 25

Meeting Program: Holiday Party / Pot Luck Dinner.

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2017 Philip J De Parto:

The annual Pot Luck Dinner of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River on Saturday, December 10, 2016. The event featured a mixture of our regulars, some long-absent friends, and a couple of newcomers we hope we will see again.

Standout main dishes were barbecued chicken (Bobbi Bauer) and beef stew (Pamela Webber). Other options were a pair of rotisserie chickens (Sam Person & Joann Jenkins) and browned ground beef (Philip De Parto).

There were a lot of vegetable choices including Eggplant Parmesan (Roy Greenberg), green salad (Kathy Holusha), vegetable salad (Charles Garofalo), Waldorf Salad (Steve Herr), acorn squash (Patricia Nash), vegetable trays (the La Barres and also Debra Quiat) and black olives, corn and wax beans (Phil).

Sides included macaroni-and-cheese (Randie O'Neil), cocktail franks, cheese and crackers (Sue & Tom Duchak), potato salad and macaroni salad (John Jurich) and stuffing (Phil).

Lawrence Soria contributed sliced pineapples, peaches, and Mandarin oranges.

There were lots of desserts including cinnamon buns (John Upton), apple pie (Greg Roman), donut holes (Debra Matofsky), cookies (Tom MacCarrol and Kathy Holusha) and pastries (Jacqueline Moroz).

Various people brought soda, seltzer and juice. Roy made Brewed Tea. Pam made an urn of coffee. Phil brought milk. The club stock contributed tea bags, sweeteners, cups, plates, napkins and candy.

Both newcomers fit right in. Debra Quiat hit it off with Debra, Pat and Kathy. Joann Jenkins came with Sam, who is friends with Jackie and Arnold.

The surprise of the night was the appearance of the La Barres. Grace found a batch of plastic dinosaurs and spread them out on the carpet in the other section of the Fellowship Hall as Karen beamed: "That's my little nerd!"

Roy talked about STAR TREK, television and other matters with Sam and company. James chatted with John Upton about Lunacon. Karen talked to Tom M about LARPs and gaming. John U and Deb M discussed costumes and conventions.

Lots of people helped Phil with the set up and clean up, particularly Pam, Randie, Kathy and Chuck. Apologies to anyone overlooked in this account.