1994 - 03/1994 Meeting
Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/26/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 02/20/08.
The Devil You Say
Strong Spirits
Ms De Carlo's website is: http://www.elisadecarlo.com/.
Meeting Date: March 12, 1994.
Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Official Attendance: 34.
Meeting Program: Talk by fantasy writer.
Meeting Memories:
Newsletter Account:
The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1994 Philip J De Parto:
The March 12, 1994 meeting of the Association was held in the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. After a long spell of inclement weather, we finally caught a break and had a good turnout for the gathering.
Elisa De Carlo, author of the humorous fantasy novels, THE DEVIL YOU SAY and STRONG SPIRITS, was the featured speaker. Highlights of her presentation were two short readings from STRONG SPIRITS. One took place during a seance at which her hero, Aubrey Arbuthnot, discovers that he possesses psychic powers. The other occurs later in the book when he is menaced by a pair of hounds from hell. The "nice doggie" routine was especially well received.
Ms De Carlo answered questions and talked about being a stand up comedienne, living in England, living in New York, and her plans for two sequels,.
There were a number of items of club business attended to at the meeting. The evening began with a short talk about the Jersey Association of Gamers by club president Keith MacFarland. The floor was next handed to Ernest Lilley, one of the newer members of the Association. Mr Lilley has founded Planet X Books, a bookstore which exists in cyberspace.
There were two special items of business conducted at the meeting. The first was a booksale of newly donated paperbacks. These books were new or "like new" and sold for $ 1.00. The other was a discussion of the proposed book discussion group and the STAR TREK club-in-formation.
Winners of the free book doorprize included Barbara Carman, Mary Ann Denny, Christopher Nash, and Jeffrey Salcedo. Members of the pre meeting AD&D game were Philip De Parto, Charles Garofalo, William Molendyk and Christopher Wamsley. The dinner table at the Mason Jar before the meeting was comprised of Leora Baeder, Elisa De Carlo, Philip De Parto, Paul Erik Graversen, Mark Jenkins, Jeffrey Shomps, Christopher Wamsley (who couldn't make the meeting) and Chris Ward.
There was a nice mixture of regulars, infrequent attendees, and newcomers which helped make it a very pleasant evening. Special thanks go to Pamela Webber for working registration with Sharon Archer, Robert Yeager for handling the book sale, and everyone who helped with the set up, clean up, etc.
Sharon Archer, Elisa De Carlo, Paul Dellechiaie, Mary Ann Denny, Philip De Parto, Elizabeth Grout, Hans Kernast, Ernest Lilley, Robert Savoye, Jeffrey Shomps and Carol Smith went out to the Horizon Diner afterwards. Hans Kernast and Ernest Lilley seemed to be having a fine time debating various issues with several people at the table next to mine.