1988 - 05/1988 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Update: 09/20/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 01/17/08.



Meeting Date: May 14, 1988.

Meeting Site: 18.

Official Attendance: 18.

Meeting Program: Talk / Demonstration Radio Drama of Producer.


The pre-meeting episode of KOLCHAK, THE NIGHT STALKER was "The Devil's Platform."

The April newsletter quoted the plot synopsis of JAMES SCOTT: WHEN THE WORLDS NEED HEROES, an original radio drama written, produced and directed by Mike Sargent.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1988 Philip J De Parto:

Guest speaker Mike Sargent of SUI GENERIS had an evening he would dearly like to forget. First he lost his directions. Then he got stuck in an ungodly traffic jam. Next he got lost in New Jersey. An actress he had brought along with him to provide another point of view about radio dramas was not feeling at all well. At different times of the evening he spilled two cups of water and dropped his eyeglasses. And still he struggled on.

The meeting got started an hour and a half late under less than ideal conditions. Fortunately, there was some unexpected entertainment on hand as Carol Smith had brought a VHS tape of THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS cartoon. She played the "Collect Call from Cthulhu" episode (which I had referred to in an earlier EXPRESS) which, when combined with the scheduled pre-meeting segment of KOLCHAK, THE NIGHT STALKER, helped to structure the evening.

Among the pre-Sargent topics of discussion were the recent deaths of Robert Heinlein, Clifford Simak, and Jersey fan Allen Howard, along with the break up of the Wayne-based Eastern Science Fiction Association (E.S.F.A.), the oldest New Jersey SF organization.

Mr Sargent talked about his love of science fiction, the future society he constructed for his WEDGEWORLD serial, advances in audio technology, radio drama's status in other lands, and future dramas he has planned.

There were eighteen present, including newcomer Jim Goldie of Hollils, New York. Owing to the late hour, only a handful of us wandered over to the diner.