1992 - 12/1992 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/27/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 02/02/08.



Meeting Date: December 12, 1992.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 0.

Meeting Program: Meeting Cancelled.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1993 Philip J De Parto:

The December 12, 1992 meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was canceled due to inclement weather. High winds and heavy rain the day before had wrecked havoc on the area. The PATH in Hoboken was flooded, most of the New York subway system was inoperable, two of the three bridges from Staten Island to New Jersey were out of service, and heavy snow was falling in some outlying areas.

The local major highways were okay on Saturday and snowfall in many areas was light. The weather got worse, however, the further north you went, and Upper Saddle River is as far north as you can go and still be in New Jersey. The town ultimately received 5 inches of snow.

Lynne Stephens, our guest speaker, called me in the early afternoon to tell me that she was seeing cars fishtail when driving down her block. She lives on Long Island and felt that the drive would be unreasonably difficult.

That the meeting also featured a pot luck dinner also complicated matters. In order for pot luck to be successful, you need a decent turnout. Attendance to the meeting figured to be significantly lower than normal. So we called it off. We regret any inconvenience this may have occasioned.