2013 - 06/2013 Meeting

Page Created: 11/11/12. Last Updated: 12/12/13


Alex Shvartsman burst upon the science fiction scene several years ago as a writer of short fiction and has not looked back. In addition to being a prolific author of short fiction, he is also an editor, a publisher, a game writer, a translator and wears other hats in the genre. He is currently at work on several longer pieces.

Official Site: http://alexshvartsman.com/

Published & Forthcoming Stories:


Anthologies Edited:




Meeting Date: June 8, 2013.

Meeting Site: Barnes & Noble. Hackensack, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 27.

Meeting Program: Talk / Q & A with Science Fiction Author / Editor.

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2013 Philip J De Parto

The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County began it's annual summer odyssey by meeting on Saturday, June 8, 2013 at Barnes & Noble in Hackensack, New Jersey. Author Alex Shvartsman, a member of the Association, was our speaker.

Alex Shvartsman is a prolific short story writer with over 50 stories appearing in ORSON SCOTT CARD'S INTERGALACTIC MEDICINE SHOW, NATURE MAGAZINE, DAILY SCIENCE FICTION and a host of other publications. While he has also done series works, he is best know for his wry, comedic speculations.

The author has three series in progress, one or more of which may eventually become the basis for a novel. "A Shard Grows in Brooklyn" and "Requiem for a Druid" are humorous noir fantasies featuring investigator Conrad Brent. They are available as e-books through the author's site.

Another is about the world's oldest pawn shop, one which specializes in magical artifacts. It consists of "Explaining Cthulhu to Grandma" (published in ORSON SCOTT CARD'S INTERGALACTIC MEDICINE SHOW) and "Hi-Tech Fairies and the Pandora Paradox" (forthcoming from OSCIGMS).

My favorite is a steampunky alternate world in which young H G Wells is an agent of the British government's special situations unit: "H G Wells Secret Agent and the Case of the Weather Machine" and "H G Wells Secret Agent and the Case of the Yellow Submarine." This is a delightfully gonzo conceit filled with extra-terrestrial artifacts, mad scientists, fiendish devices, and secret societies with unspeakable objectives. The agent crosses paths with Anton Chekhov, Marie and Pierre Curie, and Alexander Ulyanov Lenis. The tales are filled with allusions, obvious and obscure references, and knowing nudges. For example, when Wells meets with Chekhov in the latter's study, there is a gun hanging over his mantle which is never fired.

Author is only one of the many hats worn by our guest. He is a professional in the fantasy gaming industry where he is one of the top Grand Prix Winners for the fantasy card game, Magic: The Gathering. He writes games as well. On top of that, he owns a gaming store in Brooklyn, Kings' Games, and has translated a story by Russian writer Sergey (The Nightwatch Series) Lukyanenko.

Mr Shvartsman is also an editor and a publisher, having created a small press, UFO Publishing, to publish original and reprint anthologies. He has thus far produced two volumes of UNIDENTIFIED FUNNY OBJECTS, an annual collection of original humorous science fiction yarns and is at work on a third. Contributing authors include Piers Anthony, Esther Friesner, Jim Hines, Ken Liu, Jody Lynn Nye, Michael Resnick and Robert Silverberg. Combination original / reprint anthologies COFFEE and DARK MATTERS are scheduled for 2014. The books have been funded through kickstarter campaigns.

One of our speaker's greatest thrills was in accepting the Hugo Award at the World Science Fiction Convention on behalf of his friend, Ken Liu. He has learned "Never try to get anywhere quickly at a Worldcon while holding a Hugo."