1984 - 05/1984 Meeting

Page Created: 08/17/10. Last Update: 01/19/08. Google Group Page Cloned: 08/18/10.


Artist Jill Bauman has produced hundreds of genre book covers in a career spanning almost 30 years. She is best known as a horror artist, but has also been prolific in science fiction, fantasy, and mystery.

Her numerous clients have included Ace Books, DAW Books, and Warner Books, WEIRD TALES, and the MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION.

She has been nominated for the Chesley Award and the World Fantasy Award, and has had pieces displayed at the Delaware Art Museum, the New York Illustrator's Society and other venues.

Much more information about the artist can be found at her website: http://www.jillbauman.com.


Meeting Date: May 12, 1984.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center.

Official Attendance: 28.

Guest Speaker: Jill Bauman.


Also in the audience was artist Carl Lundgren and future science fiction writer William Mc Carthy.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

This meeting occurred before the Association established a newsletter.