2001 - 02/2001 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/28/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 05/28/08.


Anime Video: The Wings of Honneamise: Royal Space Force

Classic Cartoons

Readers' Theater: Troll Bridge by Terry Pratchett

Science Fiction Trivia Contest


Meeting Date: February 10, 2001.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 30.

Meeting Program: Screening of Science Fiction Videos.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2001 Philip J De Parto:

Although there was no scheduled guest speaker, the members of the Association came determined to have a good time at the February 10, 2001 general meeting. Most people arrived just before the scheduled start of the meeting, which hurt the attendance of the pre meeting events, but they functioned nonetheless. The only minor glitch on that front was with a VCR, so the Animce Associates worked around that by showing PLEASE SAVE MY EARTH instead of HIS AND HER CIRCUMSTANCE.

The meeting proper began with an unrehearsed reading of Terry Pratchett's Cohen the Barbarian story, "Troll Bridge." Don Smith volunteered for the part of Cohen the Barbarian. Steve Spinosa was the troll, Mica. Pamela Webber, his troll wife, Beryl, and Mary Ann Denny, the troll child, Scree. Kate Landis wanted to be Cohen's horse, Horse. Carol Smith did the narration. A jolly good time was had by all, especially the cast, who cracked each other up, drifting in and out of accents and commenting on each's tongues.

About a third of those present left before the next event in the main room to join Taras Wolansky who was showing the anime movie: THE WINGS OF HONNEAMISE: ROYAL SPACE FORCE in the Wesley Room.

Those who remained took part in a trivia contest based upon factoids in Arthur C Clarke's 2001 Science Fiction Calendar. There were no prizes and no one was keeping score, but club members again displayed a vast knowledge of all sorts of science fiction trivia.

The evening concluded with about 45 minutes of Warner Brothers and other classic cartoons on a videotape brought by Pamela Webber. Then it was pack up, clean up, and off to Nellie's Place for food and conversation. About the only down note was that Tom Purdy was left behind at the Church waiting for AAA to tow his car home when his key broke in the lock.

As usual, our thanks to Charles Garofalo for various refreshments, Roy Greenberg for the tea, Pamela Webber for far too many things to mention, and everyone else who helped out.