2003 - 02/2003 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Update: 09/22/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 05/27/08.



The Binder's Road


The author's website is: http://www.sff.net/people/terry_mcgarry/bio.htm


Meeting Date: February 8 2003.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 30.

Meeting Program: Talk by Fantasy Author.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2003 Philip J De Parto:

The February 8, 2003 meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held at the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

This was not where the event was supposed to be held. It had been scheduled for the Methodist Church across the street. Somehow, the Association meeting did not make its way onto the Church's official calendar, and when we pulled up a few minutes before 6:00 PM, we discovered that the building was full of Methodists.

Fortunately, the Cultural Center was unoccupied that evening and we were able to relocate without too much difficulty. The Methodists put a sign on the door of the church informing people of the change in venue that remained posted for much of the evening.

Turnout was light for the anime, although GIGANTOR proved a popular choice. The STAR TREK discussion drew a small, but enthused group.

Writer Terry McGarry was the night's Guest Speaker. Ms McGarry is the author of over 40 stories. She has also writen poetry and the fantasy novel, ILLUMINATION. The novel's sequel, THE BINDER'S ROAD, has appeared in hardcover since the meeting.

Ms McGarry stated that she had never intended to become a writer, believing her career lay in law or the entertainment industry. After graduating from Princeton, she spent time in Ireland before returning to the States and landing a job at THE NEW YORKER. Her magazine connections eventually led to doing freelance work at several book companies and to doing short fiction.

When it was time to work on a novel, she attempted to approach genre fantasy from a fresh perspective. She created a world and a system of magic very different from the normal medieval fantasy.

It would take far more space than is available here to intelligently discuss her creation. Go to http://www.sff.net/people/terry_mcgarry/bio.htm to learn more about her world.

Ms McGarry was an interesting and entertaining guest and we were happy to have her company at Matthews' Diner after the meeting.