1988 - 09/1988 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Update: 09/20/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 11/18/09.


Science Fiction Novels:

The Black Ship

The Founder

Golden Sunlands


To a Highland Nation

The Vang: Battlemaster

The Vang: The Military Form

The War for Eternity

Fantasy Novels:

The Ancient Enemy

Basil Brokentail

Doom's Break

A Sword for the Dragon

Mr Rowley's website is: http://www.christopherrowley.net/.


Meeting Date: September 12, 1988.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center.

Official Attendance: 27.

Meeting Program: Talk by Science Fiction / Fantasy Author.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1988 Philip J De Parto:

Author Christopher Rowley was the featured speaker at the September 12, 1988 meeting. Attendance ... was up a bit over the past few meetings, we had four new members join us, set up and clean up were handled in near-record time. The meeting actually even started more-or-less on time.

Rowley talked about how he became involved with science fiction, writers whose works he admires, what his own particular strengths as an sf writer are, and answered a flow of questions from the audience. He discussed differences between the British and American sf scenes, and read a few passages from a few of his works.

Also in the audience were Veronica Chapman from Del Rey Books and Joe Schaumburger from DAW. Paul Dellechiaie, Matthew Marcus, and Glen Mills won free books. Tickets for the October Schiller's Book Store Gift Certificate were sold.

A whole bunch of people helped out with making September run exceptionally smooth including, but not limited to, Sharon Archer, Leora Baeder and Jill Orovitz. Thanks to one and all.