1984 - 01/1984 Meeting

Page Created: 08/17/10. Page Cloned: 08/17/10. Groups Page Last Upate: 01/23/08.


David Mattingly was also the Guest Speaker at the January 1994 meeting of the Association. Information about him will be

posted there.

The artist's official website is: http://www.davidmattingly.com/.

..........Wikipedia Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Burroughs_Mattingly


Meeting Date: January 14, 1984.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center.

Official Attendance: 40.

Guest Speaker: David Mattingly.


Attendees included artists N Taylor Blanchard, Tom Kidd, and Carl Lundgren, all of whom would be speakers at future meetings. Also in the audience were Scott Hanna, who later became a comics professional and a nice articulate high schooler who would later become science fiction writer Wil Mc Carthy.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The meeting occurred before the Association established a newsletter.