2006 - 01/2006 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/29/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 06/01/08.


Books of Interest:

The Science in Science Fiction, 83 SF Predictions That Became Scientific Reality

Comic Book Hero: The Ultimate Superhero Quiz Book

The Elements of Technical Writing

How To Get Your Book Published

The Ultimate Unauthorized Stephen King Trivia Challenge

Why You Should Never Beam Down in a Red Shirt (And Answers to 750 Other Star Trek Questions

Website Link to Complete List of Works: http://www.bly.com/newsite/Pages/bib.php


Meeting Date: January 14, 2006.

Meeting Site: United Methodist Church of Waldwick, Waldwick, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 22.

Meeting Program: Talk by non fiction writer.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2006 Philip J. De Parto.

It was a dark and stormy night. It was, of course, Saturday, January 14, 2006, the evening of the monthly meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County. The meeting was held in the United Methodist Church of Waldwick in Waldwick in Waldwick, New Jersey.

The Anime Associates got their first look at the club's new 26" LCD television. We set it up in the kitchen in order to save on room rental from the church. Our guest speaker, writer Robert Bly, arrived early and joined a small but lively Final Frontier discussion in another room.

Turnout was pretty good considering the circumstances. Mr Bly began his talk by asking each member of the audience to state their name, favorite author, favorite book and favorite movie and commented upon the answers.

Mr Bly's latest book is THE SCIENCE IN SCIENCE FICTION, 83 SF PREDICTIONS THAT BECAME SCIENTIFIC REALITY published by Benbella Books. Each chapter in the book describes a particular SF concept, gives a short explanation of the concept, prominent stories which utilized the concept, and our current understanding of the science behind the idea. He began by jotting down every cool idea SF he could recall and hiring a couple of people, including writer James Gunn, to research or fact check his work.

Although the audience was small, it was lively, and there was a lot of feedback from the group. But the worsening weather made it an early evening.