1995 - 09/1995 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/26/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 02/27/08.


The Baen Books official website is: http://www.baen.com/.


Meeting Date: September 9, 1995.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 37.

Meeting Program: Talk by Science Fiction Editor.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1995 Philip J De Parto:

The most recent meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held on Saturday, September 9, 1995. It was held in the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center in Upper Saddle River, where we expect to meet for eight of the next nine months.

Pamela Webber arrived early, let herself in the building, and began setting up. This was the only time anything happened early or on time the whole evening long.

This was the first gathering of our Anime fan group which meets to view Japanese Animated programs. The theoretical 6:00 PM starting time was delayed by the late arrival of the Association's television and VCR. Once it arrived and was set up in the basement, things went reasonably smoothly. Pat Malone aired episodes of four series: CAPTAIN HARLOCK: SPACE PIRATE, RAI, DRAGONBALL Z, and RANMA 1/2. The first and last shows went over the best, HARLOCK, because it was subtitled, and RANMA, because of its physical comedy. Thee were 13 or so in the audience, several of whom left after the event.

The painting and repair work to the auditorium got pushed back, so we were able to hold the meetings of the Final Frontier and the S F A B C in the theatre section.

Anthony Tellado was about a half hour late, so Roy Greenberg volunteered to lead the discussion of the new season of STAR TREK at the Final Frontier. When Mr Tellado arrived, Roy graciously stepped down. There were only ten present when we took attendance at the beginning, but a number of latecomers arrived and took seats during the next hour.

STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE 9 now airs at 7:00 PM. Tony decided to change the Frontier's format so that discussions will be held from 6:00 - 7:00 PM and viewing of DS9 will be done from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. We are in need of someone to bring a television of at least 13" to the meeting for this purpose.

Philip De Parto, Matthew Marcus, Robert Savoye, Carol Smith, and Anthony Tellado read the parts of various Starfleet personnel debating whom should replace Picard as Captain of the Enterprise. This was one of a number of STAR TREK funnies floating around the internet some years back.

We were unable to obtain the boxes of books advertised in last month's Newsletter, so we held another book sale from our existing inventory. With paperback prices at 3/$1.00, a number of people were induced to buy things. Tom Zych was a big help in handling matters.

Toni Weisskopf from Baen Books wandered in about 20 minutes late. Jeanne Caggiano was ill and could not accompany her. Toni gave her Baen Books slide show of lots of neat covers, asking and answering questions along the way. Paul Dellechiaie, Carol Smith, and Taras Wolansky were awarded books by Toni for answering questions or making nice observations. Carol had the best line of the night when she titled a painting of a frustrated demon at a computer "Another Satisfied Windows '95 Customer."

We took a break after the slide show during which a number of people spoke to our guest privately. She then returned to the stage and fielded questions for over a half hour.

Jacqueline Hecht, Debra Matofsky, Patricia Nash, Taras Wolansky (who had himself a pretty good night), and Thomas Zych won freebies from the club's horde. Thanks to Roy Greenberg for the tea, Charles Garofalo for the refreshments, Jams La Barre for doing a supply run, Pamela Webber for handling the door, and everyone who helped set up, clean up, or run things.

There were nearly 20 of us at the Horizon Diner afterwards, and the late arrivals finally did straggle in.