2004 - 08/2004 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/28/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 05/30/08.


Editor/Publisher: BLOOD 'N' THUNDER Magazine. Pulp Historian.

The Blood N' Thunder Website is: http://www.geocities.com/poppub/.


Meeting Date: August 14, 2004.

Meeting Site: Bennett Books, Wyckoff, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 21.

Meeting Program: Talk by Collector / Magazine Editor / Publisher / Writer.


Ed Hulse also addressed the July 2006 meeting of the Association.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2004 Philip J De Parto:

The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County met on Saturday, August 14, 2004 at Bennett Books in Wyckoff, New Jersey. Ed Hulse, the editor and publisher of BLOOD N' THUNDER magazine, was the featured speaker.

Before the main event began, there was a discussion of "The Best of All STAR TREK Series" at the 7:00 PM gathering of The Final Frontier. The original series and The Next Generation were most often cited for this honor, but almost every show, inclding The Animated Series, had its supporters. Barry Weinberger proposed watching the three shows featuring tribbles (Original Series, Animated Series, Deep Space 9) back to back to back and billing it "A Triple Tribble Creature Feature."

BLOOD N' THUNDER magazine covers the action/adventure genres of the first half of the Twentieth Century as represented in pulp magazines, dime novels, movie serials, and radio dramas. Mr Hulse is a fan and collector of all of these formats and chose to do a presentation covering sf and the weird pulps.

He began with a reminder that in the days before television that reading was the primary escapist entertainment and how the cheaply produced and inexpensively priced pulp magazines filled that need. He talked a bit about the pulp production and distribution process before turning to content. He talked about general fiction magazines like ARGOSSY, specialized genre magazines like AMAZING STORIES, and single character pulps like THE SHADOW.

This was something new for some in the group and old hat to others, but Ed brought two boxes of pulps to display during his talk. The covers were filled with futuristic cities by Frank R Paul, Good Girl artwork, and Bug Eyed Monsters. Whether you were seeing them for the first time or revisiting old friends, you could appreciate images and the stories that went with them.

He answered questions on collecting (he buys only if a magazine has all three "C's" (cover, content, and condition) and recommends http://www.pulp.net as an invaluable introduction to the field.

Mr Hulse's talk was extremely well received, and several members recommended scheduling him to speak again before too much time passes.