2019 - 04/2019 Meeting

Page Created: 05/03/19. Last Updated: 05/04/19.



The Secret Life of Plants (poetry)

Another Green World (fantasy collection)

A Conversation Larger Than the Universe (non-fiction)


Meeting Date: April 12, 2019.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Attendance: 18.

Meeting Program: Talk / Q & A with Author / Bookseller / Critic / Editor / Translator.

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2019 Philip J De Parto:

The multi-talented Henry Wessells spoke at the April 13. 2019 General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Ms Wessells is an author, a book dealer, a critic, an editor, a small press publisher and a translator who writes poetry (THE SECRET LIFE OF BOOKS), fiction (ANOTHER GREEN WORLD) and non-fiction (A CONVERSATION LARGER THAN THE UNIVERSE).

The Writers' Space Salon discussion of works which had influenced our writers was well attended and engaging. The Ice Nine discussion of movies, television and genre news was far-ranging and fun.

More about the meeting will be posted at the club website.