2002 - 01/2002 Meeting

Page Created: 09/23/10. Last Update: 09/23/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 05/24/08.


Video: Creepy Tales (segments)

The website for CREEPY TALES and their other productions is: http://www.cinemasky.com/home.htm.

Michael Russin on My Space: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=722776.


Meeting Date: January 12, 2002.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 35.

Meeting Program: Video Program. Talk by Co Producer. Talk by Director / Co Scriptwriter.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2002 Philip J De Parto:

The January meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held on Saturday the 12th at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. The weather was cooperative and the group had a reasonable turnout.

Pre Meeting activities consisted of Taras Wolansky showing episodes of RANMA 1/2 and DRAGON 1/2 at the Anime Associates gathering and Roy Greenberg leading a discussion for the Final Frontier. Turnout for both events was light. A discussion of experiences at STAR TREK conventions was held instead of the talk about the pre history of the Federation originally scheduled.

There were several announcements of interest when the meeting was called to order. Sharon Archer reported on the Florida wedding of former club members Ernest Lilley and E J Cm Clure. Sharon and Bruce Wallace attended the ceremony, as did former member David Goldfeder. The couple exited to the theme of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARC. Philip De Parto apologized for neglecting to mention that Matt Morrone had cooked and carved a turkey for last month's holiday party in the newsletter. A round of applause was held for the turkey, although it was unclear if it was meant for the bird or the meeting moderator.

John Upton brought photographs of the December party. Some Lord of the Rings buttons, pamphlets, and refrigerator magnets left over from the previous night's Media Tie-In Group's discussion of THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING disappeared quickly. Sharon Roberg stated she would bring some LOTR bookmarks to next month's meeting.

Michael Russin and Neil Hagelgans, the creative force behind CREEPY TALES, were the featured speakers. CREEPY TALES consists of three short horror tales and lasts about an hour. Two episodes were shown, and then the duo answered questions.

The anthology is the debut feature by the pair. By dong short vignettes, they were able to complete each episode in a few weekends. This minimized continuity problems and time commitments by the actors. Mike and Neil made a conscious choice to cast actors of limited experience in the flick because they did not want seasoned vets second guessing them as they learned the ropes. The audience enjoyed quizzing the pair on everything from shooting costs to special effects. The flick is available on VHS and DVD. The website is http://www.cinemasky.com.