2020 - 06/2020 Meeting

Page Created: 01/13/20. Last Updated: 09/25/20.


Lonny Buinis Website: https://astronomyinmotion.com/


Meeting Date: June 13, 2020.

Meeting Site: Zoom Video Conference.

Attendance: 34.

Meeting Program: Talk / Q & A with Astronomy Expert / Space Artist / Science Wrier


The following websites and publications were mentioned in the presentation;

Celestia: https://celestia.space/

Cosmos Close-Up by Giles Sparrow: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11168989-cosmos-close-up

Google Moon: https://www.google.com/moon/

The following websites were mentioned by the speaker at his May 21, 2020 Star Stuff talk and are posted here for convenience.

Astronomy Magazine: https://astronomy.com/

Binoculars: https://www.binoculars.com/

International Association of Astronomical Artists: https://iaaa.org/

Sea and Sky: http://www.seasky.org/

Sky and Telescope: https://skyandtelescope.org/

Stellarium Astronomy Software: http://stellarium.org/

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2020 Philip J De Parto:

Lonny Buinis spoke at the June 13, 2020 General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County. The meeting was conducted via Zoom Video Conference due to the Covid-19 virus.

Lonny is an amateur astronomer who has been active in the new Jersey astronomy scene for decades. He is a former Assistant Planetarium Director at Raritan Valley Community College, as well as being a writer (SPACE HISTORY MYSTERIES SOLVED!), an animator, and a traditional and computer artist. He is a regular speaker for the United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey at Jenny Jump Observatory. Lonny is a founding member of the S F A B C and has spoken at the group a number of times in the past. He is the presenter of the Association's monthly astronomy program, Star Stuff in the Night Sky, which previews astronomical highlights (meteor showers, eclipses, etc.) occurring during the following month.

His presentation was confined to the solar system, with the moon and Mars being covered in the most detail. He accompanied his talk with photographs, illustrations, and animated simulations of features of interest.

Lonny completed his presentation before the end of the session, so he took us to his website where he has sections devoted to animation astronomy and space art.

Our speaker referred to a number of astronomy-related websites and publications. A list with links appears at the club website at 2020 - 06/2020 Meeting.

Our thanks to Carol Gyzander for creating and handling the technical aspects of the meeting's Zoom session, to Kathy Holusha for serving as moderator, to Kathy Cannarozzi for the Virtual Diner Run session, and to Lonny Buinis for speaking to the group.