1986 - 12/1986 Meeting

Page Created:  09/21/10.  Last Update:  09/24/10.  Last Google Group Page Update:  01/13/08.









Meeting Date:  December 13, 1986.

Meeting Site:  Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance:  40.

Meeting Program:  Food.  Conversation.  Food.  Animation.  Food. 





Meeting Memories:



Newsletter Account:


The following account is reprinted with permission from  THE STARSHIP EXPRESS  Copyright 1987  Philip De Parto:


Forty members attended the annual S.F.A.B.C. Holiday Party in December.  Food, beverages, and dessert were in plentiful supply.  Main courses included stew, lasagna, meatballs, curried chicken, plus soup and stuffed mushrooms.  Apple and cherry pies, fudge, brownies and fruit cake were only a few of the many goodies present.


Activities included Roberta Rogow leading a filk sing, Janet Storms selling prints by Jael, animation in the basement, and Susan Kahn, just back from Chicago, holding court on stage left at the sign-in table.  Jeff Kasten was kind enough to give away free comic books, Bob Hepperle passed out homemade Xmas cards, Gary Tweitman showed around one of his sketchbooks and Phil De Parto distributed copies of YOUNG DULLARD to contributors.


One item of club business--the placement of an ad in LOCUS--was approved.  Roberta Rogow announced that she was leaving the Ridgefield Public Library and that consequently the fate of the Memory Alpha S-F Discussion Group was temporarily up in the air.


The party ran until Phil forcibly ejected Charles Garofalo, Jeff Kasten, Dave Stephens, and Pauline Alama at 1:30 AM.