2007 - 10/2007 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/29/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 08/21/10.


Ms SanGiovanni is a professional author, editor and teacher. She is also the former President of the Garden State Horror Writers.

Mass Market Titles:

Found You

The Hollower


Author Website: http://marysangi.wordpress.com/

Author Blog: http://marysangi.wordpress.com/writers-life-a-blog/


Meeting Date: October 13, 2007.

Meeting Site: Yeager Residence.

Official Attendance: 20.

Meeting Program: Talk by Horror Writer.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following is reprinted from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2007 Philip J De Parto.

Horror Writer Mary SanGiovanni was the evening's guest speaker. Her first novel, THE HOLLOWER, has recently been published as a mass market paperback by Leisure Books. She has also had some shorter fiction published.

Our guest knew that she wanted to be a writer from a young age, but had no idea how to break into the field. She went to work for Marklist, the publisher of WHO'S WHO, after graduating college and chanced upon a flier for the Garden State Horror Writers. She started attending the group's meetings and discovered that one of their members, John Platt, also worked at Marklist.

It was through the GSHW that she learned of a program in genre writing offered by Seton Hill in Greensboro, Pennsylvania. It featured talks and sessions with several writers, including Brian Keene, who would write the introduction to her novel.

In response to a question from the audience, Mary said that for her, horror was "not about the horrible, awful things going on. It's how people react to the horrible, awful things going on." She finds hope in the fighters and survivors who refuse to surrender when things are going wrong.

Among the authors who have influenced her, our guest mentioned Clive Barker, Gary Brombeck, Brian Keene, Jack Ketchum, Stephen King, Richard Matheson, and Peter Straub. She particularly likes science fiction/horror hybrids like ALIEN and THE THING, and is a John Carpenter fan.

Her agent is trying to sell Mary's first book, THE THRALL. She works on the sequel to THE HOLLOWER in between her day job (editor of science articles for I.E.C.E.) and her night job (teaching at Hudson County Community College) and hopes to be able to get a full night's sleep sometime in December.