1996 - 02/1996 Meeting

Page Created: 08/25/10. Last Updated: 10/26/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 02/28/08.







The author's website is: http://www.tonydaniel.com/.


Meeting Date: February 10, 1996.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 42.

Meeting Program: Talk by Science Fiction Writer.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1996 Philip J De Parto:

The February 10, 1996 meeting of the Association was held at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, across the street from our usual meeting site. It neither rained nor snowed for a change, and the attendance figures reflected that fact.

The layout of the Church is actually more convenient than the Cultural Center, so the one month delay in our "Monster Book Sale" actually worked to our advantage. The Final Frontier was placed in the first section of the Fellowship Hall and partitioned from the other 2/3 of the room. The book sale was placed in that space and the Animation fans given the Wesley Room down the hall.

Patricia Malone, who furnishes the videos shown at the Animation Associates, was a last minute cancellation. We fell back with a screening of Rumiko Takahashi's THE SUPERGAL (aka MARIS, THE CHOJO) which had been listed, but not actually shown, at a previous meeting. Charles Garofalo and William Molendyk were the only ones who decided to catch the revised program, although a few others drifted by and caught snatches of it.

Things went better at the Final Frontier, where Tony Tellado had a lively discussion going about "The Captains of the Enterprise." The episode of STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE 9 was a new one, and the broadcast well attended.

He reminded everyone that his tenure as the moderator of the Frontier is coming to an end. His SCI FI TALK radio show will be back on the air beginning on Thursday, September 5, 1996. Its new home will be every Thursday on WEVD, 1050 AM, from 10:00 to 10:30 PM. He has signed a contract for a 13 week trial run with options and will be devoting all his time to gearing up for the show.

The book sale was another success story, with the proceeds more than paying the evening's rent. The biggest treasure hunter was Robert Pinkus who walked away with about two dozen titles. Thank you, Robert.

Sharon Archer, Nancy Denker, Mary Ann Denny, Ernest Lilley, and Linda Zimmermann joined Tony Daniel and Jake True for dinner at East Side Mario's on Route 17. Tony and Jake arrived an hour late and there were complaints about the restaurant being inappropriate because it was too noisy, but the food and conversation were acceptable, so things could have gone a lot worse.

Copies of the January newsletter, which did not get finished until the end of that month were distributed to those present. Members of the Association not present were mailed theirs a week later.

Ernest Lilley and Anthony Tellado had free copies of their media oriented newsletter, SCI-FI TALK FREQUENCIES, at the meeting. Paul Dellechiaie distributed copies of The New Jersey Science Fiction Society's THE INTERGALACTIC REPORTER to those on their mailing list.

John Upton announced that he had been elected Chairman of Lunacon '97. The convention will be held in the Rye Town Hilton in Rye, New York the weekend of March 7 - 9, 1997. Caroline Cherryh is the writer Guest of Honor, David Cherryh is the Artist Guest of Honor, and Michael O' Hare is the Special Media Guest of Honor. Admission is $ 28.00 until the end of May, rising to $ 44.00 at the door.

Tony Daniel talked about his background, literary influences, writing career, and future plans. He talked about writer's block, living in a bus on a half hippie/half yuppie island, attending the Clarion workshop, living abroad, and growing up in the south. He was extremely gracious and had many interesting things to say during the question and answer session.