2018 - 12/2018 Meeting

Page Created: 08/29/18. Last Updated: 12/15/18.



Meeting Date: December 8, 2018.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Attendance: 29.

Meeting Program: Holiday Party / Pot Luck Dinner.

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2019 Philip J De Parto:

Our annual Pot Luck Dinner served as the General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County on Saturday, December 8, 2018 in the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, We had a nice turnout from the regular crowd, a couple of new / newish folks, plus lots of food.

Where to begin?

Well, the appetizers included a fruit platter (George Girosa), quiche (Jerri & Klaus Angermeuller), a fruit and berry salad (Carol Gyzander), and chips, salsa, pretzels, and black olives (Philip De Parto).

Pamela Webber made sure the meat-lovers in the group would not go hungry by cooking up a pair of London Broils. John Jurich supplemented the beef with a store-bought rotisserie chicken. Jim Sullivan contributed kielbasa and sauerkraut. Charles Garofalo added Italian Meatballs.

The veggie crowd was not neglected. Steve Herr's Waldorf Salad was a work of art. Phil came with a green (lettuce, scallions, beans) salad, as well as a string bean / black bean casserole. Angela Mallon, who did not stay as she was not feeling well, dropped by with a vegetable platter.

As for side dishes, Ingrid Staats' Pepperoni Bread went really fast. Kathy Holusha continued the pepperoni theme with a Pepperoni Pasta Salad. Randie O'Neil had her ever-popular homemade macaroni and cheese. Kathy Kovalcik contributed a cornbread casserole.

Other side dishes included Milind Padki's Indian Spiced Rice. Jeni Siewak picked up some vegetable lo mein. Max Henly and Jessica Crespo-Bellamy brought home made stuffing, which Phil supplemented with his store-bought Stovetop brand.

Phil and Chuck brought most of the drinks. Phil had iced tea, mild, coffee, apple juice, seltzer, and bottled water. Chuck brought an assortment of sodas.

The desserts were heavenly. John Upton brought his traditional cinnamon buns. Jacqueline Moroz added bakery cookies and pastries. Bill Struwe contributed home-made cookies. Greg Roman brought a large apple pie. A J Bartholomew baked up some smaller fruit pies.

The sweets continued with Joseph Kennedy's chocolate-covered strawberries. Erin Roll contributed chocolate chip cookies. Holly Hummel added sugar cookies. Arnold Kim brought a cheese cake. So did Kathy H. George may have brought one as well, it was hard to keep up with everything.

Apologies to anyone who brought something omitted in this account.

George Girasa got to play Santa Clause. He will be moving out of the area (George, we hardly got to know ya!) and is downsizing, so he brought a couple of boxes of books, video, and comic books, almost all of which went.

Our thanks to everyone who helped with the set up, clean up, etc.