1998 - 11/1998 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Updated: 10/25/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 06/08/08.


Video: The War Game


Meeting Date: November 11, 1998.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 21.

Meeting Program: Talk by Book/Convention Reviewer. Talk by Film Reviewer. Screening of film.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1998 Philip J De Parto:

Perhaps it was just as well that our originally scheduled guest canceled out on us after the November issues of the newsletter had been mailed. The low turnout for the meeting was more appropriate for our replacement program, a talk on good and neglected science fiction movies by well known fans Mark and Evelyn Leeper.

The Leepers run The MT Holz Science Fiction Society at Lucent Technologies and have produced the club's WEEKLY on-line 'zine THE MT VOID for 17 years. They are serious but fun experts on a number of aspects of science fiction.

Evelyn Leeper is perhaps better known in the fannish community. She has been nominated for the Hugo Award as best fan writer numerous times. She reviews written science fiction and a number of conventions (we have several of her World Science Fiction Convention Reports on the S F A B C website) and is an authority on the sub genre of Alternate History. She has been a judge for the Sidewise Award given each year to the best Alternative History stories.

Mark Leeper focuses on cinema, science fiction and other. His commentary on STAR WARS has been quoted by critic Roger Ebert. Mark's other enthusiasms include the legend of the Golem, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, and serious and humorous observations about life in general. THE STARSHIP EXPRESS has reprinted a number of his articles. They are available on our website.

Each Leeper brought a two page handout which was distributed to those present.

Evelyn Leeper' handout was titled: "Science Fiction Films You Won't Get To See: Toronto International Film Festival: Science Fiction and Fantasy." It gave the title, country of origin, director and writer of each film. The movies listed came from Japan (AFTER LIFE and CURE), Mexico/Spain (PERDITO DURANGO), Canada (LAST NIGHT and EXTRAORDINARY VISITOR), Argentina (THE SLEEPWALKER), United States (SIX-STRING SAMAURAI, SHATTERED IMAGE, and TRANCE), Taiwan/France (THE HOLE), The United Kingdom (THE MAN WITH RAIN IN HIS SHOES) and Hong Kong (MIGHTY PEKING MAN).

The handout was given as an illustration that there is a lot of science fiction, fantasy, and horror flicks that the average fan never gets to see. They generally have small budgets, lack big name stars, and are not showcases for special effects. Small does not necessarily equal good, but there is at least one film on the list (LAST NIGHT) that they are considering nominating for the Hugo Award next year.

Mark Leeper's handout was "Neglected Fantasy and Science Fiction Film." They ranged in release from 1926 to 1987. The films listed were: FAUST (1926), THE MAN WHO LAUGHS (1928), THE DYBBUK (1939), THE SEVENTH VICTIM (1943), NIGHT OF THE DEMON (a.k.a. CURSE OF THE DEMON, 1957), NIGHT OF THE EAGLE (a.k.a. BURN, WITCH, BURN, 1962), THE MIND BENDERS (1962), DEVIL DOLL (1963), UNEARTHLY STRANGER (1963), CRACK IN THE WORLD (1965), DARK INTRUDER (1965), THE WAR GAME (1967), QUATERMAS AND THE PIT (a.k.a. FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH, 1968), THE DEVIL RIDES OUT (a.k.a. THE DEVIL'S BRIDE, 1968), WITCHFINDER GENERAL (a.k.a. CONQUEROR WORM, 1968), SATAN'S SKIN (a.k.a. THE BLOOD ON SATAN'S CLAW, 1970), QUEST FOR LOVE (1971), COUNT YORGA, VAMPIRE (1973), PHASE IV (1974), WHO? (1974), THE LAST WAVE (1977), DRAGONSLAYER (1981), KNIGHTRIDERS (1981), LIFEFORCE (1981) and A CHINESE GHOST STORY (1987).

About half the meeting consisted of Pamela Webber reading the title and year of the film, asking for a show of hands from the audience to determine who had seen it, and a bit of commentary about the film from Mark, Evelyn, and the audience. There was also some discussion of Richard Mattheson as both an author and a scriptwriter. Mark referred to him as the man who moved horror from Transylvania to Scarsdale.

After Evelyn covered the films on her list, and both answered some questions from the audience, we screened THE WAR GAME. This was a 45 minute documentary by Peter Watkins to depict what a nuclear attack on Britain would be like. It was both well crafted and difficult (because of the subject matter) to watch.

We would like to express our thanks to Evelyn and Mark Leeper for stepping in as guest speakers on short notice and giving an enjoyable and informative presentation.