2007 - 09/2007 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/29/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 12/29/07.


Barbara Campbell is the author of two fantasy novels published by DAW Books, HEARTWOOD and BLOODSTONE, the first two books in The Trickster's Game series. The third book in the series will be FOXFIRE.

HEARTWOOD is a mythic fantasy set in a world which is threatened with eternal winter because the balance between summer and winter has been upset. It resonates with the old English myth of the Oak and the Holly.

BLOODSTONE is set 15 years later in the same world. It is concerned with the clash between two cultures, one a hunter - gatherer society, the other, a more technologically advanced people who work metal and live in cities.

Her website is: http://www.barbara-campbell.com.


Meeting Date: September 8, 2007.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 16.

Meeting Program: Talk by Fantasy Writer Barbara Campbell.


The meeting was held in the Cultural Center's basement due to the heat. The meeting was a very relaxed event with everyone sitting around a trio of long tables, with Barbara Campbell in the center. The Animation Associates pre meeting video was cancelled. The Ice Nine pre meeting discussion was moved outside where it was cooler.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2007 Philip J De Parto:

Turnout was light for the meeting. The whole group sat around one long table with our guest at its center. Fantasy author Barbara Campbell was the speaker. She has written two novels published by DAW Books: HEARTWOOD and BLOODSTONE. A third book, FOXFIRE, is in progress.

The books are set in different cultures on the same world. HEARTWOOD is set in a tribal society of flint users who live in villages. BLOODSTONE is set among a people who work metal and dwell in cities. Both deal with the Long Winter and its aftermath which resulted from a change in the annual ebb and flow between the Oak and the Holly.

HEARTWOOD was originally intended as a standalone book. It was the suggestion of the editor to turn it into a trilogy. By introducing a second society in BLOODSTONE, Ms Campbell was able to explore problems of understanding and communication. For example, one of the flint users encounters a ship of the more advanced culture and has to explain a sail to his tribesmen.

It took Barbara Campbell three years to write HEARTWOOD. Turnaround time for BLOODSTONE was 16 months. She now begins with a 20 - 30 page synopsis of her books and begins fleshing it out from there. Her routine is to get up between 6 and 7:00 AM and write until lunch. Afternoons are reserved for editing. She does not listen to music while she works.