1984 - 08/1984 Meeting

Page Created: 08/17/10. Google Group Page Last Update: 01/19/08. Page Cloned: 08/19/10.



Meeting Date: August 11, 1984.

Meeting Site: Angus Steak House.

Official Attendance: 26.

Guest Speaker: Barclay Shaw.


Also in attendance were artist Tom Kidd and future science fiction writer William Mc Carthy.

Meeting Memories:

My memory is a bit fuzzy on some particulars about this meeting. It is possible that we muddled through the heat at the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center (see notes on July 1984 meeting), but I believe that we did a hurried rescheduling to Manero's Steak House.

The steak house was a local landmark on Route 17 North and Passaic Avenue. There was a giant plastic steer in the parking lot.

Newsletter Account:

This meeting occurred before the Association established a newsletter.