1987 - 03/1987 Meeting

Page Created: 09/23/10. Last Update: 09/23/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 11/18/09.


The author's website is: http://www.simegen.com/jl/.


Meeting Date: March 13, 1987.

Meeting Site: Yeager Domicile, Paramus, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 23.

Meeting Program: Talk by Science Fiction Author.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

Club members Douglas and Robert Yeager allowed the SFABC to use their home for its March Meeting. The site, the Hawaiian Room basement of Yeagermanse, was a suitably bizarre setting for our motley group.

The Brothers Yeager had invited a few friends over beforehand, and the early arrivals to the meeting had their choice of leftovers. Lonny Buinis brought over a couple of new paintings to the party and stayed awhile, but left before the meeting began.

Jacqueline Lichtenberg's talk began at 8:30. Since almost no one had read the "Dushau" novels, the subject of her talk, she felt free to wander over a variety of subjects including Andre Norton, Marion Zimmer Bradley, publishing and computers. I found some of her observations about how word processing interacts with the process of rewriting to be very interesting.

Before and after the talk some of us played eight ball on one of the world's most warped pool tables. Phil De Parto dragged anyone who dared team with him to ignominious defeat, but everyone enjoyed watching the trajectories of the balls describing loop-de-loops and punctuation marks like & and ?. Alan Reid and Lissanne Lake take the unofficial obstacle pool shark title of the group.

Doug and Robert gave a tour of their truly remarkable museum-like house to anyone interested. Amid jeers of "Fix, Fix!!" from brother Robert, Douglas won the book drawing. There were twenty three of us in attendance.