2019 - 12/2019 Meeting

Page Created: 09/06/19. Last Updated: 01/14/20.



Meeting Date: December 14, 2019.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Attendance: 35.

Meeting Program: Holiday Party / Pot Luck Dinner.

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2020 Philip J De Parto:

The annual Pot Luck Dinner of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey on Saturday, December 14, 2019. This was an evening of food, conversation, and fellowship. There was no speaker.

Things went exceptionally smoothly. An inability to tell time led Phil De Parto to arrive an hour earlier than planned, which resulted in the set up being nearly complete before anyone else arrived. The weather was also cooperative. The rain was but a minor inconvenience and the temperature was unseasonably warm, which likely helped attendance.

There was food aplenty.

Main dishes included Paul Calhoun's Southwest Meat Loaf; Charles Garofalo's Meatballs; Roy Greenberg's Pasta with Vegetables; John Jurich's Rotisserie Chicken; James Sullivan's Kielbasa and Sauerkrault; Pamela Webber's London Broil; and Moshe Yuda's Lasagna.

Side dishes were Jerri & Klaus Angermueller's Seafood Salad; Allen Broadman's Cabbage Stew; Yana Dorn's Tomato, Mozzarella; Philip De Parto's Salad Bar (Iceberg Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Black Olives, Corn, Mushrooms, and Scallions), Stuffing, and Baked Beans; Madhavi Ghare's Spicy Boiled Potatoes; Stephen Herbst & Anna Kraft's Cooked Vegetables; Stephen Herr's Waldorf Salad (decorated to look like a rocket blasting off); Jeni Spiewak's Vegetable Lo Mein; and Ingrid Staats' Homemade Macaroni and Cheese.

Appetizers (defined here as something you eat with your fingers instead of your fork) were Hummus and Dip (Jerri & Klaus); Shrimp Rings (Bobbi Bauer - a real hit!); Cocktail Franks and Mustard (Susan and Thomas Duchack); Cold Cut and Cheese Platter (Diane Kurilla); Vegetable Platter (Roberto Lopez); a Cheese Platter (Randie O'Neil); and Cheese Slices and Grapes (Pamela Webber).

Sam Capener brought a Fruit Salad. Arnold Kim contributed a Fruit Platter.

There were enough desserts to satisfy the most demanding sweet tooth: Cookie Pops (A J Bartholomew); Pumpkin Pie (Jade Gardner); Apple Cake Ring (Leigh Hecking); Brownies (Erin Roll); Apple Pie (Greg Roman); Brownies and Almond Bars (Janice and William Struwe); Cinnamon Buns (John Upton's perennial crowd pleaser); and Pamela Webber's Monster Chocolate Truffle.

If you were thirsty, your hot beverage choices were Coffee (Phil), Brewed Tea (Roy), or Tea (club stock). Cold drinks were Apple Cider, Apple Juice, Bottled Water, Decaffeinated Sugar-Free Iced Tea, and Milk (all from Phil), and Soda (Allen Broadman and Charles Garofalo).

Many assisted with the clean up. Particular thanks go to Roberto Lopez, Ingrid Staats, and of course, Pamela Webber.