2015 - 12/2015 Meeting

Page Created: 12/14/15. Last Updated: 06/16/16.


Meeting Date: December 12, 2015.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church.

Official Attendance: 26.

Meeting Program: Holiday Party / Pot Luck Dinner.


Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2016 Philip J De Parto:

The annual Holiday Party / Pot Luck Dinner of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River on Saturday, December 12, 2015. I'd be hard-pressed to think of one I enjoyed more than this one.

We had a very nice mixture of regulars, infrequent attendees, and newcomers bringing traditional favorites like Waldworf Salad and Cinnamon Buns and novel treats like Vegetable Pakora and Buffalo Chicken Pockets.

The mouth-watering specifics follow.

Appetizers included Shrimp and Fish Sauce (Bobbi Bauer), Black Olives (Phil De Parto), Cheese and Crackers (Sue and Tom Duchak), Onions, Cheese and Vegetables (Arnold Kim) and Garlic Bread (Jim Sullivan).

Main dishes included London Broil (Pamela Webber), Rotisserie Chicken (sent via Pat Nash by John Jurich who was unable to attend), Vegan La Sagna (Roy Greenberg), Vegetable La Sagna (Maria Mascaro) and unseasoned Browned Ground Beef (Phil).

Side dishes included Buffalo Chicken Pockets (newcomer Savannah Dalton), Waldorf Salad (Steve Herr), Vegetable Pakora (newcomer Sujata Kumari), Acorn Squash (Patricia Nash), Macaroni & Cheese (Randie O'Neil), Vegetable Platter (Tom Schoenborne), Vegetable Lo Mein and Chicken Lo Mein (Jeni Spiewak), Kielbasa Kuby Fest (Jim Sullivan), Sautéed Vegetables (Pam), Corn, White Rice, Three Bean Salad, Turkey Stuffing and Pork & Beans (all Phil).

Fruit or Fruit Salads were brought by Lonny Buinis and Phil.

Desserts on hand were Gourmet Apple Crumb Pie (Lonny), Toffee Cookie Bars and Vanilla Cake (Kathy Holusha), assorted Bakery Pastries including Almond Bread (Jacqueline Moroz), homemade Almond Crescents, Macaroons, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip & Pecan Cookies and Chewy Chocolate Cranberry Cookies (Monica Rodriguez), Mile High Apple Pie (Greg Roman) and Mom's Cinnamon Buns (John Upton).

Roy had his brewed tea. Phil made coffee and also provided soda, Iced Tea and milk. Moshe Yuda contributed a variety of juices. I apologize to anyone whose contributions I overlooked in this tally.

There was good conversation all around. Newcomers Savannah Dalton and Sujata Kumari found plenty of other authors in the room with whom to talk shop. Doot was browbeaten into bringing in three copies of DRAGONS, DROIDS & DOOM, the Year One anthology of stories from FANTASY SCROLL MAGAZINE which he and Iulian Ionescu edited (he sold all three copies). A couple of people (Taras was one, but I can't recall the other) put out some take-them-they're-free books, most of which went.

A lot of people helped with the set up: Bobbi Bauer, Tom Bauer, Roy Greenberg, Maria Mascaro, Monica Rodriguez, Jeni Spiewak and Pamela Webber. The clean-up crew included Philip De Parto, Kathy Holusha, Tom Schoenbornes and Pamela Webber.