1987 - 07/1987 Meeting

Page Created: 09/23/10. Last Update: 09/23/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 01/16/10.


Bruce Silverman

Outside Sales Manager

Diane Silverman

Inside Sales Manager

A list of books published by Troll can be found at: http://isbndb.com/d/publisher/troll_associates.html.


Dinosaur Special (hosted by Christopher Reeves)

Did Dinosaurs Build Stonehenge? (Eric Idle Skit)


Meeting Date: Saturday, July 11, 1987.

Meeting Site: Stanton's Restaurant, Maywood, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 23.

Meeting Program: Display and talk about products in children's Dinosaur Catalog.


I somehow received a catalog featuring toys, soaps, and other products in the mail and thought, "Wow, there's some great stuff here! I'll bet that a lot of people I know would be interested in these items."

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The July meeting was held at Stanton's Restaurant in Maywood. Stanton's was chosen as the location in July because a) it is a very good restaurant; b) they have meeting rooms above the restaurant; and c) the meeting rooms are AIR-CONDITIONED! Those of us who have been to the regular meeting site in the summer know how important that is! Sixteen people made it for dinner around 5:30-6:00. After the dinner, we retired upstairs to the meeting rooms. Our guest speakers, Bruce and Diane Silverman of Troll Associates of Mahwah gave a two part presentation. Bruce gave us some of his background with Troll, and his role in the company. Diane gave us a rundown of some of the products and dinosaur paraphernalia, and passed out catalogs. They both had several humorous stories about their experiences with some of their customers. They were both amazed at the resurgence in recent years of interest in the dinosaur, particularly among young people.

At the end of the meeting, some members purchased some of the items that had been brought along as examples of products, like dinosaur stationary, and dinosaur stationary, and dinosaur soap, and tote bags. Some of us went into another room to watch a tape of the Dinosaur special hosted by Chris Reeve, and a bit with Eric Idle (of MONTY PYTHON fame) on the question "Did Dinosaurs Build Stonehenge?"

Twenty three people were in attendance at the meeting. Pauline Alama (maker of the now famous brownies at the picnic) won the book drawing. In true Philish style, a small group led by our Fearless Leader went to the Forum Diner afterwards for dessert and cake.