1988 - 02/1988 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Update: 09/20/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 01/18/08



Howling Mad

Knight Life

Sir Apropos of Nothing

The Woad to Wuin

Television Tie-Ins

Alien Nation: Body and Soul

Babylon 5: Five Books

Star Trek (Classic Trek): Two Books

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Siege

Star Trek New Frontier: Fifteen Books

Star Trek The Next Generation: Eight Books

Star Trek The Next Generation, Starfleet Academy: Three Books

Movie Adaptations

Batman Forever


The Return of Swamp Thing

The Rocketeer

The author's website is: http://peterdavid.malibulist.com/.


Meeting Date: February 13, 1988.

Meeting Site: Yeager Domicile, Paramus, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 22.

Meeting Program: Talk by Fantasy/Science Fiction/Comics Writer.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1988 Philip J De Parto:

Robert Yeager and family were once again kind and foolish enough to host a meeting at their fascinating home in Paramus. Whether you have been there once or several dozen times, there is always something new to discover in Yeagers' Home of Curios, Antiques, and Bric-A-Brac.

The Yeagers laid out a nice spread which was supplemented by offerings from club members. Mark Kennedy set up his oragami shop in one corner and got caught up to date with newlyweds Doug Yeager and Linda Higgins. Roberta Rogow sold fanzines nearby, proudly announcing her first professional sale to a DAW anthology. Robert Hepperle, Phil Duran, and others talked computers. Nancy Denker and Charles Garofalo discussed N.J.S.F.S. business. First time visitors Patti Flinch and Dolores Cordier gaped at the decor.

After the underpaid Italian English majors (Pauline Alama and Phil De Parto) beat the Young Newlyweds (Doug and Linda) on The Pool Table from Another Universe, Phil introduced our guest speaker, Peter David, a very sick man.

Mr David is currently scripting the STAR TREK comic for DC and THE HULK and JUSTICE for Marvel. To these titles he has brought a distinctive flair and impish plotting. In STAR TREK, for example, he has brought Kirk face to face with Dante's INFERNO and the characters from BLOOM COUNTY. He talked about the corporate differences between the companies, how a writer gets sandbagged by an editor, how a writer gets sandbagged by an artist, and how a writer gets sandbagged by an inker. Even the colorists get into the act.

He read three excerpts from his Ace Fantasy novel, KNIGHT LIFE, discussed Hollywood options on several of his works, and talked about his current novel-in-progress: a fantasy yarn in which a wolf is bitten by a werewolf and, on the night of the full moon, turns into a man.

He took questions from the floor, and, when the floor ran out of questions, from the audience. He gave tips on pitching ideas to publishers and suggested that aspiring writers target Pocket Books which will soon be doing a number of STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION titles.

Everyone present agreed that it was one of our best meetings in a while.