1987 - 09/1987 Meeting

Page Created: 09/23/10. Last Update: 09/23/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 01/16/08.


The Science Fiction area of the artist's website can be found at: http://www.sweetartwork.com/DKSscienceFictoingallery.html.


Meeting Date: September 12, 1987,

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 37.

Meeting Program: Talk by Science Fiction Artist.


Unlike most science fiction artists, Mr Sweet does not have a slide show presentation (or at least did not have one at the time). He brought a couple of dozen paintings to the meeting. Several were waylaid by a purchase from a private individual earlier in the day and never made it to the meeting.

Meeting Memories:

One of the comments Mr Sweet raised in his talk was his mixed feelings over having signed an exclusive contract to work for Del Rey / Ballantine Books for many years. Although the security was good, he felt that the exclusivity ultimately depressed his earning potential for those years.

Newsletter Account:

Darrell K Sweet kept a spellbound audience burning the midnight oil with a talk that lasted, well, until midnight. Mr Sweet, who was accompanied by his wife, son, 24 paintings, and numerous sketches, spoke about illustration, technique, publishing, advertising, Old Masters, and contemporary artists in a wide-ranging talk.

Mr Sweet, one of the most highly regarded illustrators in the field, is a New Jersey native who rarely attends conventions or mixes with the SF crowd. He was a warm and engaging guest who enjoyed the evening enough to attend the post-meeting diner crowd.

There were 37 of us in attendance. Roberta Rogow, just back from England, reported on the WorldCon and Hugo Awards....Roberta, along with Patricia Malone of the Cartoon Fantasy Organization of NY, sold fanzines at separate tables. Nancy Denker handed out some extra discount tickets for the New York Renaissance Festival that she had picked up on her last trip there. Janet Storms won the book drawing.